The key to your business success is its sales.
Our Consultative Selling and Sales Excellence programmes enable sales professionals to work in partnership with their clients to explore and identify their real challenges, aspirations and needs.
You will learn how to help your customers make an informed decision that not only solves problems but also adds value, whilst understanding why customers buy and more importantly, why they should buy from you.
Commversant’s suite of compelling and highly practical consultative sales training courses unlock the best practice principles of modern benefit selling, whilst resolving objections and stalemates. You will learn how to effectively understand the buying process from your customer’s perspective using, our unique advanced questioning models proven to ultimately gain more business commitments, more credibly and consultatively.

Key Areas of the Programme
Ideal for salespeople at all levels looking to refresh and extend their current approach, this programme expedites a mastery of the consultative sales process and how to manage client relationships through each stage of the sales funnel to ultimately close more business.
Whilst we design and customise every programme to match your specific organisational and business needs, your bespoke sales training programme may look to focus on all or a combination of the following core skills:
- The key stages of the buying cycle and how to influence each stage
- Learning the psychology behind the customer decision making process
- Determining dominant buying motives
- Understanding your preferred selling styles
- Accelerating trust using advanced questioning and listening
- Structuring the stages of a successful sales meeting
- Personality types and how to build positive interactions
Gaining a clearer understanding of your client’s explicit versus implicit needs
Developing unique solutions to meet your clients’ interests and buying criteria
Communicating the benefits of your solution and enthusiastically bring them to life
- Creating the ‘right’ impression and build the emotional desire to buy
Confidently resolving objections and reservations
- Reframing your proposition bringing to life the ‘what’s in it for me’ (WIIFM)
Identifying buying signals and confidently proceeding to gain commitment and agree next steps or actions
- Uncovering additional ‘hidden’ opportunities and get consistent referrals
Happy Clients

“Great opportunity to explore new techniques and buying styles.
Most entertaining, great knowledge, interactive with group and a MUST experience!!”

“I have attended many different sales training courses over the years and without a doubt yours was the most enjoyable, informative and beneficial one of all.Highly recommended to anyone looking to improve their existing skills in the ever-changing world of the selling game”.

“Exceeded expectations – I’m always sceptical about sales training but was pleasantly surprised with this content and now feel more confident about tackling my prospects and getting more sales!If anything else, it has reminded me of things I should be doing!”

“One word – superb!! This course has been superb in every way, fully meeting my expectations and exceeding them.It’s been brilliant, with everyone engaged and encouraged by the training”.

“Very good refresher of certain views/techniques and good introduction and explanation of new methods with good examples and interactions to develop ideas to indifferent styles.Good interactive experience that helps refocus and rejuvenate the mind”.

“Really enjoyed the course – the content was entirely relevant in ensuring I have the right skills to benefit the business. Our trainer was excellent – very approachable and could relate to scenarios and how to look at solutions.Using the tools gained from this training course, I have a clear understanding of how I will be able to apply them to meeting and exceeding targets.
The workshop also confirmed that some of the sales styles I have been using are right and this has only sharpened up those techniques which will give me more confidence approaching clients with questioning in a positive manner.
A really great experience – great team building and cohesive working. Would recommend Commversant to anyone.”
Happy Clients

“Great opportunity to explore new techniques and buying styles.
Most entertaining, great knowledge, interactive with group and a MUST experience!!”

“I have attended many different sales training courses over the years and without a doubt yours was the most enjoyable, informative and beneficial one of all.Highly recommended to anyone looking to improve their existing skills in the ever-changing world of the selling game”.

“Exceeded expectations – I’m always sceptical about sales training but was pleasantly surprised with this content and now feel more confident about tackling my prospects and getting more sales!If anything else, it has reminded me of things I should be doing!”

“One word – superb!! This course has been superb in every way, fully meeting my expectations and exceeding them.It’s been brilliant, with everyone engaged and encouraged by the training”.

“Very good refresher of certain views/techniques and good introduction and explanation of new methods with good examples and interactions to develop ideas to indifferent styles.Good interactive experience that helps refocus and rejuvenate the mind”.

“Really enjoyed the course – the content was entirely relevant in ensuring I have the right skills to benefit the business. Our trainer was excellent – very approachable and could relate to scenarios and how to look at solutions.Using the tools gained from this training course, I have a clear understanding of how I will be able to apply them to meeting and exceeding targets.
The workshop also confirmed that some of the sales styles I have been using are right and this has only sharpened up those techniques which will give me more confidence approaching clients with questioning in a positive manner.
A really great experience – great team building and cohesive working. Would recommend Commversant to anyone.”